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Stamen- The “No”-Sayer | Face the Balkans

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@Zabrcanec on Twitter
@Zabrcanec: RT @Macedonia_en A Pensioner Who Dares to Oppose his Government http://t.co/dgAMv1eh via @facethebalkans #Macedonia
@razvigor on Twitter
@razvigor: The Protector of Macedonian Constitution: A Pensioner Who Dares to Oppose his Government http://t.co/WGPPdsxr via @facethebalkans #Macedonia
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@Macedonia_en on Twitter
@Macedonia_en: The Protector of Macedonian Constitution: A Pensioner Who Dares to Oppose his Government http://t.co/WGPPdsxr via @facethebalkans #Macedonia

Google Makes SDK Available For Its Native iOS Maps App So That Developers Can Bypass Apple’s | TechCrunch

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.
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@darko156 on Twitter
@darko156: Google Makes SDK Available For Its Native iOS Maps App So That Developers Can Bypass Apple’s | TechCrunch http://t.co/x96Aki7z
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@Scobleizer on Twitter
@Scobleizer: There’s even a new SDK for iOS developers to access Google’s Maps instead of using Apple’s. Nice. http://t.co/nhhVNKTH
@Techmeme on Twitter
@Techmeme: Google Makes SDK Available For Its Native iOS Maps App So That Developers Can Bypass Apple's... http://t.co/1cfDkwjy http://t.co/BoVzRkQQ
@TechCrunch on Twitter
@TechCrunch: Google Makes SDK Available For Its Native iOS Maps App So That Developers Can Bypass Apple's http://t.co/Xzt8Qy3C by @drew

Google Launches Native Maps For iOS, And Here’s The Deep Dive On Navigation, Info Sheets And More | TechCrunch

TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.
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@jangles on Twitter
@jangles: If you have an iPhone and iOS6, this deep dive into new Google Maps is worth your attention http://t.co/p8JIuLmr via @techcrunch
@WarrenWhitlock on Twitter
@WarrenWhitlock: Google Launches Native Maps For iOS, And Here's The Deep Dive On Navigation, Info Sheets And More http://t.co/DaDmhkaZ
@waynesutton on Twitter
@waynesutton: RT @TechCrunch @Google Launches Native Maps For iOS, & Here's The Deep Dive On Navigation, Info Sheets & More http://t.co/a36AjdUf by @drew
@Techmeme on Twitter
@Techmeme: Google Launches Native Maps For iOS, And Here's The Deep Dive On Navigation, Info Sheets And... http://t.co/nhPs6R9M http://t.co/jt8Y2G38
@TechCrunch on Twitter
@TechCrunch: Google Launches Native Maps For iOS, And Here's The Deep Dive On Navigation, Info Sheets And More http://t.co/M8m0OVg2 by @drew

Twitter / MedoDimoski: Ментална слика ...

Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
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@ivanajaneva on Twitter
@ivanajaneva: Ментална слика на денот http://t.co/3a8uHBVm
@Lacialec on Twitter
@Lacialec: Врчак и еден конШатплер од Звезде Гранда и Татко му на Ноле тоа е таа блуза RT @MedoDimoski: Ментална слика на денот http://t.co/Uhm5BROA
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Twitter / ZarkoKa: Зошто во секе ...

Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
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@ordanoskiv on Twitter
@ordanoskiv: Зошто во секе јавно WC буквата Љ ја пишуваат со две наместо со едно? #Неписмени http://t.co/DPyaX9fM
@Lacialec on Twitter
@Lacialec: Зошто во секе јавно WC буквата Љ ја пишуваат со две наместо со едно? #Неписмени http://t.co/DPyaX9fM
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Поезија за повеќе награди!

За скоро година дена на блогов постирав секакви глупости, МЕМиња, клипови, колумни, заебанции, тролања и т.н. Но никогаш не сум постирал поезија, што испадна…
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@goxo on Twitter
@goxo: Ново Време: Поезија за повеќе награди! http://t.co/6nFMKZJE
@banekoma on Twitter
@banekoma: Поезија за повеќе награди! http://t.co/lHqx4VKC via @blogirame
@Lacialec on Twitter
@Lacialec: Поезија за повеќе награди! http://t.co/Rpw9HSdY via @blogirame
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Радио МОФ став: Бубачки нема само во студентските мензи | Радио МОФ

radiomof.mk - Zarko
Во редакцијата на Радио МОФ вчера стигна писмо со наслов „демант“ во кое Државниот студентски центар „демантира“ дека оваа фотографија, објавена на вебсајтот на Радио МОФ е снимена во мензата на студентскиот дом „Стив Наумов“.  Оваа фотографија беше првично објавена на порталот Факултети, заедно со објаснувањето дека ја испратил студент кои живее во „Стив“, кој  во своето писмо до Факултети вели: Здраво, јас сум студент сместен во студентскиот дом Стив Наумов во Скопје и сакам да споделам една ...  show all text
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@bvelkovska on Twitter
@bvelkovska: Радио МОФ став: Бубачки нема само во студентските мензи http://t.co/m6C8SOMe
@malaovca on Twitter
@malaovca: Радио МОФ став: Бубачки нема само во студентските мензи http://t.co/m6C8SOMe
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@RadioMOF on Twitter
@RadioMOF: Одговор на Радио МОФ на вчерашниот демант од Државниот студентски центар http://t.co/09teTuHk

Saul Bass Poster Sketches for Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’ | The Fox Is Black

thefoxisblack.com - Bobby Solomon
A few weeks back I went visited the Stanley Kubrick exhibit at LACMA here in Los Angeles. The show has been travelling the world so I was extremely excited to finally see it. Wandering around the exhibit is filled with so many amazing objects from the history of Kubrick’s films – things like Jack Nicholson’s type writer and the space suit from 2001. One of the coolest parts, especially for a designer like myself, was these sketches by Saul Bass for the film poster of The Shining. I previously I...  show all text
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Како до подобра грижа и третман за лицата што живеат со ХИВ во Република Македонија? :: H.E.R.A. – Асоцијација за здравствена едукација и истражување

hera.org.mk - heradmin
  Јавна расправа на Комисијата за еднакви можности на жените и мажите и Комисијата за здравство на Собранието на Република Македонија во соработка со Асоцијацијата за здравствена едукација и истражување – Х.Е.Р.А.: „Како до подобра грижа и третман за лицата што живеат со ХИВ во Република Македонија?“ Собрание на Република Македонија, 13 декември, 2012 Излагање: Како да се обезбеди континуирана терапија за ХИВ во Република Македонија Андреј Сених, работна група за поддршка и самопомош на лицата ...  show all text
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@ordanoskiv on Twitter
@ordanoskiv: @ordanoskiv http://t.co/gHOVYLgt инфо за терапијата за ХИВ
@unexploded_yet on Twitter
@unexploded_yet: Како до подобра грижа и третман за лицата што живеат со ХИВ во Република Македонија? http://t.co/zQ74L9n9
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Курир е најдобар информативен сајт за 2012

Venezuela: La oligarquía quiere utilizar los problemas de salud de Chávez para estrangular la revolución | In Defence of Marxism

El sábado 8 de diciembre, el presidente venezolano Chávez anunció que tendría que someterse a otra intervención quirúrgica en Cuba. Después de agregar que en todos los procesos hay riesgos, quién puede negarlo, explicó que si algo ocurriera, …, que me inhabilitara de alguna manera, el vicepresidente Maduro sería su preferencia para que lo sustituya.
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@yfis on Twitter
@yfis: El sábado 8 de diciembre, el presidente venezolano Chávez anunció que tendría que someterse a otra intervención... http://t.co/2Vu02pHa
@marxistcom on Twitter
@marxistcom: Venezuela: La oligarquía quiere utilizar los problemas de salud de Chávez para estrangular la revolu #Chavez #... http://t.co/fLG4CDx8
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Работници заплениле џип и камиони оти не добиле плата

Запленивме два камиони за пренос на руда заради тоа што не сме земале плати за неколку месеци и не ни се платени придонесите, изјавиле работници од Кавадарци, кои до пред некое време работеле на ископ на руда под Кожуф, пренесе весникот “Дневник“.
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@toni_dimitroff on Twitter
@toni_dimitroff: ова е за почит! работничка правда ;) http://t.co/wXLcqrrq
@Srle1 on Twitter
@Srle1: Ова да се праеше у 90-тите немаше да ја покрадат државата така лесно. http://t.co/bEdqEUNk
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Twitter / nonenedelkovska: RT @ сите смешни ...

Bulgaria: Former Bulgarian Presidents Slam EU Blocking of Macedonia - Novinite.com - Sofia News Agency

All three democratically elected former presidents of Bulgaria have criticized the country's decision to oppose the EU's setting a start date for accession negotiations with Macedonia. Tuesday the European Council for General Affairs adopted the Bulgarian proposal tabled by Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov to delay giving a date for Macedonia. The decision is expected to be confirmed by the European Council meeting in Brussels Thursday and Friday. Bulgaria's move was also backed by President R...  show all text
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@CvetinChill on Twitter
@CvetinChill: Zhelev, Parvanov and Mladenov on Macedonian EU accession http://t.co/C77LdcFM
@stamovb on Twitter
@stamovb: Bulgaria: Former Bulgarian Presidents Slam EU Blocking of Macedonia - http://t.co/XA6Th9dq - Sofia News Agency http://t.co/sM1au0lP
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The Great Game in the Arctic | In Defence of Marxism

Climate change, melting icecaps and new opportunities for access to valuable resources have reawakened a struggle for power in the Arctic. The Great powers are jockeying for control of the region.
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@yfis on Twitter
@yfis: Climate change, melting icecaps and new opportunities for access to valuable resources have reawakened a struggle... http://t.co/nn3VPS50
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Завесата е феминизам - therealpsmst

„Трепнување“ на Малком Гледвел беше книгата во која значителен дел е посветен на донесувањето на одлуки во секунда. Стручњакот гледа некое нешто и одма знае да каже дали ќе го биде или не. Слично и со стручњакот што слуша. Примерот ми се чини беше за филхармонијата од Њу Јорк каде што прв пат вовеле аудиција зад завеса? Зошто? Слушните стручњаци знаат да оценат како некој свири по само неколку ноти, освен ако слухот не им е пореметен од видот. Така кога жена ќе излегла на сцена за аудиција на в...  show all text
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@ivagal on Twitter
@ivagal: Завесата е феминизам http://t.co/Gpg1mMTb | listened to her with just their ears, they had no idea she was so good http://t.co/0Qha33Rf
@Ref on Twitter
@Ref: Завесата е феминизам http://t.co/Gpg1mMTb
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Hirst to split with Gagosian Gallery - FT.com

Artist Damien Hirst is parting company with the world’s richest gallery, Gagosian, in a move that will stun art lovers. New York-based Larry Gagosian has built up an empire of 12 art galleries, including his latest at the Le Bourget business airport
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@toni_dimitroff on Twitter
@toni_dimitroff: Hirst to split with Gagosian Gallery http://t.co/ybBhJb24
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@FinancialTimes on Twitter
@FinancialTimes: Hirst to split with Gagosian Gallery http://t.co/unvHrZKC

Guardian kills its Facebook social reader, regains control over its content — Tech News and Analysis

gigaom.com - Mathew Ingram
A little over a year ago, a big topic of discussion in the newspaper business — apart from the ongoing cataclysmic decline in print advertising revenue, of course — was how to leverage Facebook as a platform for content, and specifically the rise of what were called “social reading” apps, which were like mini-newspapers housed within a Facebook page. The Washington Post and The Guardian were among those who launched these applications, and for a time they drove a substantial amount of traffic, ...  show all text
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@Techmeme on Twitter
@Techmeme: Guardian kills its Facebook social reader, regains control over its content (@mathewi / GigaOM) http://t.co/3IKNenan http://t.co/QKVvDw4S
@jeffjarvis on Twitter
@jeffjarvis: Guardian kills its Facebook social reader, regains control over its content. #sanity. http://t.co/SPnNTbnV
@davewiner on Twitter
@davewiner: Guardian kills its Facebook social reader, regains control over its content. #sanity. http://t.co/SPnNTbnV
@gigaom on Twitter
@gigaom: Guardian kills its Facebook social reader, regains control over its content http://t.co/R84V0eBo

RDF: Was Life Inevitable? New Paper Pieces Together Metabolism's Beginnings

The Web We Lost - Anil Dash

dashes.com - Anil
The tech industry and its press have treated the rise of billion-scale social networks and ubiquitous smartphone apps as an unadulterated win for regular people, a triumph of usability and empowerment. They seldom talk about what we've lost along the way in this transition, and I find that younger folks may not even know how the web used to be. So here's a few glimpses of a web that's mostly faded away: Five years ago, most social photos were uploaded to Flickr, where they could be tagged by hu...  show all text
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@vrypan on Twitter
@vrypan: @javapapo @vrypan ενδιαφέρον και αυτό http://t.co/vE8YtxrV του anil dash
@FredCavazza on Twitter
@FredCavazza: La prise de conscience du jour : The Web we lost http://t.co/CTkUezlC
@missusP on Twitter
@missusP: Oh yes RT @digiphile: 8 yrs feels like eons in Internet time. RT @karaswisher: great piece @anildash The Web We Lost: http://t.co/8ZBBvcWk
@ginatrapani on Twitter
@ginatrapani: When @anildash told me he was writing this I was like "yah whatever cool" then I read it and it knocked my socks off http://t.co/PDi2mJW7
@Techmeme on Twitter
@Techmeme: The Web We Lost - The tech industry and its press have treated ... (@anildash) http://t.co/IOWv1gJZ http://t.co/MX7DtV4r
@FredCavazza on Twitter
@FredCavazza: Can't believe Technorati-circa-2005 offered better social search than we have today. A rumination The Web We Lost: http://t.co/begLMSsY
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